Summer Savings Tips

Save time by notifying your bank when traveling

The last thing anyone wants while on vacation is to have their card declined when making a purchase. Here at First State, we do our best to protect customers against fraud or theft. Out of state or international charges can throw red flags that can lead to having your card temporarily frozen. By calling your bank ahead of time you can avoid any miscommunication and ensure that you’ll have funds available to enjoy the trip!

Create a budget – and stick with it!

No matter if it’s a budget for a college student managing their weekly expenses or a couple working to buy their first home, a solid budget can help you save money and reach your financial goals quicker. Follow the steps below to create a simple budget!

  • Determine your net income
  • Subtract mandatory expenses
    • These expenses include utility bills, rent or loans. A general amount for food/groceries can be included, but this doesn’t include going out to eat or those fancy dinners with your spouse. 
  • Subtract savings, retirement, or investment funds
    • Determine what you need to save to reach your financial goals. Adding to a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement programs can offer great benefits to save.
  • Determine if funds are discretionary funds or personal spending
    • This is spending on things you enjoy but could live without. Going to a new movie or purchasing those $5 iced coffees would go in this category.

Don’t Overspend

Summers are packed with things like BBQs, vacations, ball games and events. You can fill your schedule – and drain your bank account – rather quickly. Having self-control when it comes to spending is one of the most important, but often most difficult, skills to learn. Creating a simple budget, knowing what you spend and saying no to some of those not-so necessary expenses can help you save!